

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Does Anybody Care "A Bit What Happens to Me?"

"I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought!  No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.  Then I pray to you, O LORD.  I say, 'You are my place of refuge.  You are all I really want in life.'" (Psalm 142:4, 5- NLT)

The subtitle in the NKJV of this Psalm is, "A Contemplation of David.  A Prayer when he was in the cave."  You've been in that "cave," haven't you?;'  Our text was my Psalms reading yesterday.  In that cave, David was complaining that "
No one cares a bit what happens to me."  As the day unfolded, I saw this attitude abroad in America, perhaps as never before. 

America's reckless, greedy ways have caught up with us.  In the attempt to fill the void of life with things, people kept spending, hoping to fill that void.  It didn't happen.  Now they are feeling abandoned, alone, forgotten, victimized, angry, looking for not only someone to blame, but also someone to make it all right.  Individual responsibility, a key philosophy in the Republican Party, is practically non existent in the Democrat Party.  Yesterday we saw this personified.  One party says, "You dug this pit for yourself; you can dig yourself out."  The other says, "Someone threw you into this pit, and we will make them pay!"     

Mankind has battled the deception, everyone-but-me, throughout the centuries.  But the difference between most of humanity and David is that David, no matter how bad things were, took responsibility ("
I have sinned").  There were indeed times, as in our text, when God seemed far from his crying-- "no one cares a bit what happens to me"-- but he always came back to his Lord.  David, as Abraham before him, saw the Lord Jesus, and declared throughout his life, "The Lord is my Shepherd."  This Lord Jesus "is my light and my salvation....The Lord is the strength of my life-- my fortress--my Refuge.  The "sweet psalmist of Israel," the man who "had God's Heart," declared, "Lord Jesus, My Shepherd, 'You are all I really want in life.'"----------- Imagine, just for a moment, a nation with such a heart.

Father, in Jesus' Name, "
You are all I really want in life. " Amen.
News and Commentary:

Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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