

Monday, September 15, 2008

"To Reveal His Son In Me"

" reveal His son in me...."  (Galatians 1:16)

This is and has been the purpose of the Godhead from eternity----- to reveal Jesus Christ in humanity, in you, in me.  Yet through the millennia there has been a problem, a confusion, and a seeming contradiction of The Faith.  Why is it that so many unbelievers act like believers and so many believers act like unbelievers?  Could the answer be so simple as to say that a disproportional emphasis has been placed on right belief and right talk, rather than right behavior?

The "
God-Breathed" Word speaks much of our behavior.  Later in the Galatian Epistle, Paul writes concerning Peter's conduct.  "I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned....He began to withdraw and hold himself aloof....But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all...."  He called Peter to account for wrong behavior.  Far too many times religionists have relegated this passage to the "faith-works" issue.  They have spent far too little time on the behavioral issue.

Our Father's purpose is "
to reveal His Son in me," that is, in my flesh, my mind, my tongue, my behavior.  It is a Redemption which brings about behavioral change, a Redemption which can bring us to say to the world what Paul said to the Galatian Church, "Be as I am...."  

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You for helping me to see things in The Gospel which I have been unwilling to see.  Amen.

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