

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Not "What Would Jesus Do" But "What Did Jesus Do"

"...God...was pleased to reveal His Son in me...." (Galatians 1:15a, 16)

Better than, "What Would Jesus Do," is, "What
Did Jesus Do?" WWJD leaves us with speculation on living the Christian life; it is a suppositional religion, Old Covenant thinking.  Our text, however, is New Covenant thinking.  It reveals the finished work of Jesus Christ "at the Cross."  It reveals that the purpose of the Cross was not only to forgive me of my sin, but that the Father might "reveal His Son in me," in you, in His Church----------------- to the lost, to the world.

Jesus did not shed His Blood and die on a cross so that I could
copy Him.  He died and rose again so that I could "reveal" Him.

Father, in Jesus' Name, may I never be so presumptuous as to think I could copy
anything of You.  Amen.

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