

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Fruit of Separation Theology

"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." (Ephesians 5:6)

Most people look at the Bible as a religious book, asserting "spiritual" principles which have nothing to do with anything outside a church
building, religious gatherings, prophesyings, or devotionals.  Americans have loved to speak of the "separation of church and state," but this is a classic smokescreen, just code for the real intent------the separation of God and culture, the separation of God and man.  Well, America, you've succeeded------ succeeded in incurring "
the wrath of God." 

Gary Bauer wrote in his "End of Day" article yesterday, "American financial markets remain in turmoil, and the anxiety level is going up....The turmoil is not an argument against free markets.  It is a reminder that free markets are not God and that even
they have to be tempered by virtue and reliable standards of right and wrong.  It is clear that greed and recklessness are the causes of the painful adjustments we are now experiencing" (My emphasis).  What does the American populace demand at this time?  No, "I have sinned and done this evil in your sight," just, "FIX IT NOW!"  And the government's response?  No repentance, just deception with "empty words" and empty promises-------------------- all the fruit of Separation Theology.

The "ways" of America are under the scrutinization of Jesus Christ.  The Presidents, Members of Congress, the Supreme Court, Hollywood, Wall Street and Main Street alike have taken "
their stand...together against the LORD and against His Christ....Now, "He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them;" and, in the words of Adam Clarke, The Trinity "shall utterly contemn their puny efforts; shall beat down their pride, assuage their malice, and confound their devices."  
In the end, only those in Jesus Christ will triumph.

Father, in the Name and Blood of Jesus, have mercy on me and America.  Forgive our "puny efforts" and pride.  "Confound [our] devices."  Amen.

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