

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Will Now Tell You How to Get and Increase Faith

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ."  (Rom. 10:17--NASB----- And you paid so much for all those books on faith!)
Searching for faith?  Here you have it, the answer, the true source of faith, straight from the "God-Breathed" Word.  The KJV chose to translate it, "the word of God."  This is incorrect.  The Greek word translated, "God," is, Christou, i.e., Christ, Messiah.  The Kingdom of Darkness has one hatred today.  It is not you; it is not me.  It is the Person and Name of Jesus, the Christ.  Keep His Beautiful Name out of people and you eliminate faith, the faith which brings the salvation of mankind, "the word of Christ." 
Our text is very powerfully simple and straightforward.  If you have "the Word of Christ," you have faith.  If you do not have "the Word of Christ," you do not have faith.  I don't care what a person may call whatever he thinks he has.  No "Word of Christ"-- no faith--- period.  Faith does not come from feel-good religion, prayer, worship, conferences, mission trips, super star leaders, or anything else.  The purpose of any means of grace is "to bring us to Christ."  If they don't do that, they are worthless pagan pursuits!
You and I have a continual choice every day, every moment.  Stay full of "the Word of Christ," and we stay full of faith.  Of all the scores of passages in the Bible which mention faith, our text is the only one which actually tells you how "faith comes."   Other passages either rebuke or commend concerning faith, reveal what faith accomplishes, what "faith is," etc.  But here the Breath of God says, "Here it is.  This is it.  This is what you long for, and this is what you can have.  Drink deeply of "the Word of Christ, and you will just keep going "from faith to faith"----------to faith-------- to faith!
Father, in Jesus' Name, never allow me to be deceived by thinking faith has any other source than Your Word, The Christ-------- and thank You so much for Him.  Amen.

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