

Monday, June 23, 2008

Selective Religion

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

It was reported recently that Maulana Inyadullah, "an Afghani Al Qaeda leader, said, 'The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death.'"  This is the philosophy of the Islamic moon god worshippers.  Could this be the epitaph of the United States, a people so consumed with pleasure and security that we will be defeated by a people who are willing to do what previous generations of Americans were willing to do, but their descendants are not?!?  The "
Kingdom of Darkness" people in the US try to make it sound as though their antiwar, their "save the planet" rhetoric (which is really, don't-drill-here-just-be-a-slave-to-the-moon-god-worshippers) is so intellectual, when all the time it is nothing but "meism" to the extreme, a plan to defeat the America which they were handed, but which they reject.  Just like their cowardly parents of the 1960s, they are not concerned with peace or "the planet."  They are only concerned with saving their own hides and self-centered life style. 

I repeat.  The coming US election will be a choice between the Kingdom of Darkness and Kingdom of Light as never before in American history.  Each day just keeps confirming this.  It is not that Obama or McCain necessarily reflect either kingdom.  The issue is the predominant spirit behind each political party.  What motivates and drives the philosophy of each party and the Americans who cling to each?  What should concern all is that it is not Obama nor McCain, nor MoveOn.Org, nor Planned Parenthood, nor Limbaugh, nor Hannity who will determine the "next" America.  It is the "common" American churchgoer, by staying home or going to the polls, who will be choosing which kingdom they want to represent the United States of America, Darkness or Light. 

Yes, this
is a devotional, because you simply cannot talk of the pleasantries of life in Jesus Christ, His promises, His blessings, and His Kingdom on the one hand and hold social, political, and economic principles which reflect the Kingdom of Darkness on the other.  Yet millions of professing Believers all around the world attempt to do this, and generations before them have attempted the same (Remember the 30 Years War?).  I am convinced more and more that, "not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'" is a safety warning to us all.  I need to allow the Word, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to do a daily reality check in my life as to who and what are really guiding and driving my daily life, every aspect, every thought, every action. 

The word for, "
hunger," in our text means "to crave ardently, to seek with eager desire."  If I live in "hunger and thirst after righteousness" in this manner; if I seek the "Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ" in this manner, I will not be deceived by a selective religion spirit, i.e., one religion for Sunday and one religion for Monday.  If I "hunger and thirst after" the righteousness of Jesus, "hunger and thirst after" His Kingdom, the "Kingdom of Light," when I stand "before" King Jesus, I will hear, "Well, done, good and faithful servant.  Enter...." 

Father, in Jesus' Name, I still hold too much of the "old life."  Keep conforming me to the "new life" in Jesus Christ.  Thank You.  Amen.
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