

Monday, January 28, 2019

"....As The Lord Speaks To Me"

"And he said to them, 'Lodge here tonight, and I will bring back word to you, as the Lord speaks to me.'  So the princes of Moab stayed with Balaam."  (Numbers 22:8)

Apparently Balaam went to his "prayer closet," and received a response from the Lord God.  He kept going back, however, for "clarification."  It is a very dangerous way to live.  When the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to our hearts, I know it is a popular response to get "confirmation."  But beware of how many "confirmations" you need.  There can be much said for, "Obey right away." 

Our text is from the section of Scripture in Numbers 22-24.  I trust you are familiar with it.  It is a revealing story of how people can speak "righteous" words, yet be unrighteous.  One of the things which I have always noted about Balaam is that he just wouldn't see what Balak was after.  Beware of always wanting to "pray about it more."  It can be an indication that one just does not want to obey what Jesus is saying.

The phrase, "Don't take my word for it," can have a solemn warning for us.  All prophecy should be "tested," as well as, "try the spirits."  I personally know of people whose lives were shattered, the purpose of Jesus Christ for their lives thwarted, because they took just one person's "word" on a matter.  No one is that "spiritual."  Dependence on/in the Holy Spirit that, "He will teach you all things," is imperative.

But this does not exclude others who are committed to Jesus Christ.  This is why "church membership" is never an option.  The moment you and I surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ we became, "members of His Body."  Now I don't know what your association is with a local church, but I can tell you that anyone who is not in fellowship with some others, "who follow the Lamb wherever He goes," are out of the will of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, "I will build My Church."  History reveals that those most in danger of "missing God," or as Paul told Timothy, "turn aside to myths", are the "lone rangers."

It is never a mistake to ask other Followers of Jesus, "The Lord spoke to my heart_______.  What do you think?

Father, in Jesus' Name, deliver me and Your Church from the spirit of Balaam.  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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