

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Someone For You

'This is My Body which is broken for you."  (1 Corinthians 11:24)

Some newer translations just say, "This is My Body for you." One says, "This is My body which is for you."  One thing is for sure; this says everything.  This is what it cost for you and me to be who we are now.  This is the "doorway to Heaven," Father's care.  There is just no other way than the precious Body of Jesus, "broken for you."  What took place on the Cross was a living and dying and triumphant expression of, "This is My Body for you."

Yes, my dear, maybe lonely, friend today; the Body of Jesus is, "for you."  David realized this when in the midst of great struggle he cried out, "When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me."  Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit, here in today's passage, has revealed the depth of, "God is for me---------   This is My Body for you." 

Father, in Jesus' Name, Living Triune God, how can I ever assimilate, "This is My Body for you"?!?  Amen. 

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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