

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

"....I Am Still With You" (Jesus)

"When I awake, I am still with You." (Psalm 139:18b)

No matter the night, no matter the hurting, no matter the sin, the shortcomings, failures, "When I awake, I am still with You." 

Too many times when we "mess up," sin, partake of human frailty, we then think we can hide from Jesus.  We are embarrassed at what we see in ourselves, and think we should then attempt to run and hide.  The psalmists has it right, of course, when he earlier said, "....Where can I flee from Your presence?"

You know my "presence theology."  There is no place, no condition, no time when the one born of the Spirit, having received Jesus, opened the door when Jesus stood, " the door and knock[ed", who is ever away, out of Jesus' Presence, your favorite worship team, church gathering notwithstanding.  Yes, there is a sense that our sin "separates" us from Jesus, but it is not a separation of abandonment.  Fellowship is marred, and sin brings a sense of aloneness and lostness.  But still, "When I awake, I am with You."

Of course I could spend a lot of time in examining what our disobedience does in our relationship in the Godhead.  But there is "something" in today's text which encourages you and me.  Though at times we may even feel abandoned, non spiritual, out of touch, etc., there comes to us, if we will but hear, "When [you] awake, I am still with [you"].

Father, in Jesus' Name, all I can say is thank You for this.  Amen.
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When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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