

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Faith In His Promise," Or, "Do As They Did"

"Then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in His promise....They mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did."  (Psalm 106:24 & 35, ESV- from today's Psalm reading)

Look back over our lives and we will see that when we had,"no faith in His promise," we, "mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did."  

I think it is a good "litmus text" that if we are doing too many things as, "the," we are probably not doing life as, "The Word of God," Jesus, has for us.  The driving force behind much "christian rock music," many church growth tactics, and it's-all-about-you books and teachings, political philosophy, work practices, etc., is nothing but, "mixed with the nations and learned to do as they do."  The only way to have, " in His promise," and not be, "....mixed with the nations as they...," is to give ourselves totally to, "The Words of God."  It is, "Faith comes by hearing...the Word of Christ," not by, " as they did."

I just deleted what I wanted to say.  At any rate, I ask you to join me afresh today in examining everything in our lives.  Is this, "mixed with the nations...," or is this, "The Word of God"?  Is this not some "what would Jesus do," but rather, What does Jesus say about this?  It is consulting the very, "Words of God," not, as Bonhoeffer called it, some "wish dream."  Speculating on what Jesus "would do," is projecting my philosophy and/or feelings on Him.  Rather than such silly speculation, we turn to His Words, all of His Words which He has given to us in the, "God-Breathed," Words.  This is what manifests, "faith in His promise."

Later we read in Psalm 106 that God's People, "....yoked themselves to...," the world system and, "....provoked the Lord...."  But then, someone among them, "....stood up and intervened...."  This is a prime calling of the Church.  When those around us may be, "mix[ing] with the nations...," we are called to, "st[an]d up and intervene[]."  This is not "judging," nor is it saying that we have all the answers.  Neither does it say, however, that we have none.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Holy Spirit, convict me any time I am, "mix[ing] with the nations...."  Amen.
* Read About Dangerous Developments in Israel:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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