

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jesus Heals Those Broken "In Pieces"

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."  (Psalm 147:3)

The Interlinear tells us that the Hebrew word for, "brokenhearted," can be translated, "broken, to break, break in pieces."  If that doesn't describe some people I have met over the many years, nothing does.  Then, the Interlinear tells us that, "wounds," can be translated, "hurt, injury, pain."  The NKJV and the NASB say that it literally means, "sorrows."  Those who are such are exactly to and for whom our Lord Jesus "appeared" to, "bind up, take care of, heal their wounds."

Okay, let's see what we have here in the text: "broken, to break, break in pieces, hurt, injury, pain, sorrows."  This describes me after Stephen died.  In many ways, the healing is continual.  There is something "deeper," perhaps even more painful in a wound of, "sorrows," than any physical wound.  I have had both; perhaps you have also.

Ancient languages have a more "down to earth" expression than the more modern ones, e.g., we translate, "out of his belly," as, "out of his innermost being."  How sweet.  Then there is the Hebrew word that describes deep emotions and literally means, "kidneys."  I understand that the German language is also somewhat like this.  I once said to a German that the German language seems more "primitive" than English.  For instance, the German word for, hippopotamus, is, "water horse."  How great is that?!?  My comment was not a derision towards German nor a praise of English.  It just showed to me how mankind has "sophisticated" his expressions, made them more neat, more acceptable (politically correct?), but to me, more unsubstantial, ostensible.  Perhaps this is the main reason for God's use of Hebrew and Greek.
As we observe, "Immanuel, God with us," walking, speaking, dealing with people in the Land of Israel, we see in reality, "The Word became flesh...."  Indeed, we see in Jesus the very reality for which we all say we desire.  We see the Living Triune God among us dealing with, healing, understanding and loving the most broken, hurt, broken in pieces, in pain, injured, and sorrowful.  Listen to me, my weary "traveler."  Jesus Christ is the, "Very Present Help In Trouble," yes, "VERY PRESENT," and for any and all, "trouble."  If you are broken, "in pieces," today, feed on the Body and Blood of Jesus, the One Who Alone can, "heal [our] wounds."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I confess I am writing on and on at times, but I guess that is how I see You more and more---- on and on and on and on and.................  Amen.
I will be preaching in our Sunday service, September 4

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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