

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Now Kingdom

"Rule in the midst of Your enemies." (Psalm 110:2b)

If, "Rule," is not the message of, "The Kingdom of God/Heaven," then what is?  "Kingdom," declares authority, who's in charge, government, a king.  Maybe the reason that so many "get-saved-today" people live lawless lives is that, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," has no place in their "Four Spiritual Laws."

The first public words of John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ were, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."  They were not, "Get saved today."  We could paraphrase the message of Kingdom introduction as, "Change your minds, for you will need to, because a new 'world order' is about to be revealed."  If God is not about government, then why did He exalt Joseph to Prime Minister of the Egyptian Empire?  Why did he exalt Daniel to Prime Minister of the Babylonian Empire?  Why did He exalt Mordecai to Prime Minister of the Media-Persian Empire?  And here's one for you: Why did Jesus meet Constantine at the Milvian Bridge?  It is reported that shortly before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Constantine looked at the sun and saw an image of a cross.  It is reported that he saw the words, "In this sign conquer."  I heard nothing but contempt for Constantine and his mocked conversion in the university and grad school.  But that conversion loosed the Church in previously unheard of mission opportunity.  I wonder if those who speak so glibly about "persecution" and "suffering" prefer to live in China, North Korea, or Saudi Arabia.  Maybe a reason that we have so few Followers of Jesus in position of leadership in nations today is that Christendom does not believe in, "Rule."  

It has been my quarterly reading through the Bible over the last 46 years which has given me more and more a sense of, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."  Our text is considered a "Messianic Psalm."  If this is so, then Messiah is about some very interesting things, e.g., "enemies Your footstool....Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power (in the ruling process?)....He shall judge among the nations."  Most place this passage and the many, many like it in some future "millennial reign."  How convenient, people of, "Christians should not be involve with politics." 

No, I simply do not understand most of this.  But I do understand that, "Jesus Christ is Lord," means that Jesus Christ is King, now, not in some "galaxy far away," in some convenient distant future.  "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is here," now.  Jesus saves from sin, forgives our sin, and is, " prepare a place for you...."  Inclusive in this "Gospel," and not as an addendum, is, "[Jesus] sent them to preach the Kingdom of God."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I need so much more understanding and the accompanying obedient life style of, "The Kingdom of Heaven/God."  I trust You to enlighten me to so live.  Amen.
* I heard Donald Trump's speech last night. 
* Any theologians who question today's devotional, I welcome any correction

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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