

Friday, May 13, 2016

"Proverbs Of Ashes"

"Your platitudes are proverbs of ashes, your defenses are defenses of clay." (Job 13:12)

I'm sure I must have written on this before, but it is a "haunting" text, "....platitudes... of ashes...."  My Lord and my God, I hear this so much; may I never utter such.  Job's three friends "wrote the book" on this.  Some of the things they said seem to be "good," yet Father rebuked them sternly at the "end of the discussion."  Could it be that they were saying some "good things" that were not rooted in His Words, but simply, "platitudes," and, "proverbs of ashes," which they picked up in some Bible discussion and/or "worship gathering?"  

When I was a teenager, I was one day saying, "Praise the Lord," several times.  My Grandpa and Grandma Barnette happened to be visiting us.  At one point, when I uttered my, "Praise the Lord," my Grandpa said to me, "Make sure you mean that."  It was a sobering moment for me.  You and I both know that people can utter their, "Praise the Lord," but it not be written in their heart and mind.

So many say the same things "big name" people say, or others whom they admire say, just because, well, others say them.  This is, "....platitudes...of ashes."  They have become popular, "shibboleths," and it is almost as though if you do not get on board with the latest catch phrases, if you don't say what "the prophet is saying," you are not walking "in the Spirit."  This is classic "following the crowd."  This is not what you and I need today.  Say "words" which Jesus has given you, His Words, Words written, "in your heart." 

I can tell you with absolute certainty that if it were not for the Words of Jesus, "God-Breathed," the Bible, I would not have survived the past 46 years.  I did not need, "....platitudes [which] are proverbs of ashes."  I needed the Words of Jesus, which He said if a person hears and obeys, they will be that, "dug deep and laid the foundation on the Rock."  Build on Jesus' Words, "[]our defenses are defenses of clay," will have no place in us, because they will not just belong to others.  They/He will be ours.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I know I may not have communicated well what You have shown me in the text, but I pray You say Your Word to my friend.  Amen.
* Next Wednesday to DC
* Devotional at:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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