

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"Do," And, "Abide[] Forever"

"Lord, I hope for Your salvation, and I do Your commandments (Words)....Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever." (Psalm 119:166; 125:1)

Summation: "Do [Jesus'] commandments (Words), and you, "cannot be moved...."

The word for, "do," means, "accomplish," which Webster's' defines as, "to succeed in doing something."  I define it as, The person who sees His Words through (Those who trust") to the end of this sojourn, "cannot be moved, but abides forever."  Notice it is not, "I talk about, preach about, 'Your commandments.'"  Rather, it is, "I do Your commandments."  Preaching about and talking about are always easier than "doing about."

It can be a scary thought to those who have it all figured out, but what about those who, "do Your commandments," and don't talk Christianeze?  Whether the "spirituals" among us like it or not, those who follow Biblical Principles get Biblical Principle results.  I'm not necessarily talking about "saved," or "born again," or such.  I am talking about those who model, for instance, the principles in the Book of Proverbs.  You may know some of these people.  They are not following Jesus, but they are "examples" of "doing His Words."  On the other hand, I have known far too many claimers to, "born again," status who do not, "do Your commandments," live according to the Biblical Teachings, and then wonder why those who, "do Your commandments," or "do" Biblical Principles, yet don't look, talk, and act like they do, are "doing" better than they. 

The great news of our texts today, however, is that you and I have in Jesus Christ a "doing" which keeps us in the, "cannot be moved," category.  Yesterday Sarah and I "decorated" the grave sites of our Son, Stephen, my parents, grandparents Barnette, and two uncles.  If Jesus were not my, "trust in the Lord," I would have been, "moved," long ago.  The saying, "the rug was pulled out from under me," is mild compared to what I would be.  But doing the, "trust in the Lord," factor, clinging to Jesus, relying on Jesus, has kept me, "like Mount Zion."  Sometimes I may not feel like that great declaration/promise, but the very fact that I do the basics of, "do Your commandments," viz., fill my mind and heart with them daily, and rely on Jesus to empower me in the, "do," His Words in me, well, I cannot say it any better, "Those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever."

Father, in Jesus' Name, only You can make me as, "Mount Zion," which, "abides forever."  Amen.
We are still in the process of obtaining housing for the Berlin Mission.  Also, we are praying with some who are praying "alternatives."

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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