

Monday, March 28, 2016

KTBTIB Nottingham sent you a video: "Fairest Lord Jesus - Maranatha Celtic"

"From then on Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out, saying, 'If you let this Man go, you are not Caesar's friendWhoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar.'"  (John 19:12, from yesterday's Gospel reading)

I guess you and I are not, "Caesar's friend," and are of those throughout history who, "speak[] against Caesar."  For us, Jesus is King, and when we say and live this Truth, we declare ourselves the enemy of every world system.  Rulers of this present age do not much mind religious declarations.  What they do "mind," however, is when we declare and live, "Jesus Christ is Lord," aka, "King."  The word translated, "Lord," in Philippines 2:11, means, "a person exercising absolute ownership rights."  Jesus usurps every constitution, every law of "Caesar" which declares and works against King Jesus.  We will need to remember this more and more in the days ahead.  It has been this commitment, and love for and to Jesus which has been the sustenance of the Church through the ages. 

As I have been reading the "Passion narrative" in John's Gospel this past week, I read of the great love relationship which you and I are called to in our Savior and King, Jesus Christ.  I had this brought home to me this past weekend when I listened to one of my favorite songs.  For me, there has never been a greater song written in the History of the Church of Jesus Christ, nor a better arrangement than the song which I share with you on YouTube below.  There is a tradition which asserts that this great hymn of the Church came from the Nights Templar, German Crusaders, as they made their way to Israel, aka, The Holy Land.  Many do not believe "Fairest Lord Jesus" goes back that far.  Regardless, I love this hymn. 

I heard this version last Saturday.  I simply wept like a baby.  I cannot recall a greater moment of worship, adoration, thanksgiving and appreciation than those moments.  Here is one verse which is not popularly sung:

All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly,
Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer,
Than Thou, my Savior, art to me." 
Praise Him!

KTBTIB Nottingham has shared a video with you on YouTube

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