

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Have You Given Up?

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."  (Luke 18:1, NIV)

This is why most stop praying: They have given up.  The reasoning is usually, "What's the use; my prayers aren't answered anyway."  I understand, because in my life time I have gone through the same experience.

The NASB says, "....and not lose heart."  The CEV says, "....should keep on praying...."  Our football coaches use to say, when we were pushing the seven man sled, "Come on, only five more yards."  I would see the yard marker go by, but then would hear again, "Come on, only five more yards," and five more, and five more.  No, their objective was not to kill us, though that seemed to be their objective at the time.  There is a very real sense in which Jesus is saying to you and me through life's journey, "Come on, only five more yards."  

I have shared before that I once asked Jesus, "Why do you want me to pray so much?"  Now, of course, I heard no audible voice, but the answer could not have been more clear, nor more sobering, "Because I like you," was Jesus' response.  O, I know, some would prefer, "Because I love you," but, "I like you," at that moment said "more" to me.  It seemed to me another way of saying, "I enjoy your company; I enjoy being together, sharing life with you.  Let's keep 'talking,' walking together."

What or whom have you given up on today?  Maybe it's time to hear our Lord Jesus saying the same thing to you, "I like you, and want to share life with you."  You know as well as I do that if love is really "love," you do not need to be doing anything, e.g., working on a project, doing "family things," etc.  The old song says, "....just as long as we're together, nothing matters at all."  Some theologians may dispute this, but I believe prayer is exactly the "reason" for our creation.  "Late in the afternoon a breeze began to blow, and the man and the woman heard the Lord God walking in the gardenThey were frightened and hid behind the trees" (Genesis 3:8, CEV).  And what did the Blessed Trinity say to them?  "Where are you?" 

Sin will always drive us, "behind some trees."  But you and I are under the Blood of Jesus.  Come out from those, "trees," and keep, "walking in the Garden," walking in Jesus.  Answers we like and answers we do not like many come and go.  Walking in Jesus never will.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Your love and, "Your ways are past finding out."  Amen. 
* NATO commander says, "ISIS is spreading like cancer among the refugees."  Read story at:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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