

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Whoever Desires...Take Up His Cross"

"Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."  (Mark 8:34, From today's Gospel Reading)

Well, we did it.  I repeat, it never ceases to amaze me at how most Americans do not vote "principle."  They vote "me."  Case in point is Illinois; they elected a Republican Governor and put Dick Durbin back in the Senate, a staunch advocate of "abortion rights."  I really cannot say what must go through people's minds who do this.  The issue is always bigger than what you and I "feel."  It is Biblical Principles, what political position most reflects Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  Of course both Democrat and Republican parties reflect humanism, but there are more positions in the Republican Party which reflect the Kingdom of Heaven than in the Democrat Party. 
This Theology must govern my life and your life. 

You and I will have from time to time feelings, perhaps even "beliefs" which will not align with the Word of God.  This is where the Church comes in.  This is where Church discipline, correction comes in.  It is something which you and I need to keep current in our lives, viz., Is this position consistent with the reign of Jesus Christ in my life, the nation, the earth?

Our text too often is just used in a "Sunday School" manner, i.e, religious confines of a religious agenda.  The assertion here of our Lord Jesus is to, "deny," and, "follow," and is a call, yea, a command to, "deny," and, "follow [Jesus]," in every area, every facet, of my life, no matter my gender, my culture, or "ethnic origin."  This does not come "easy" to man in this present age.  

Our text is one of the most "familiar" of Holy Writ, and because it is, it is too often just nodded to.  I feel more and more that the Holy Spirit is saying and convicting that the Church must never see this as an evangelistic altar call.  It is a daily call, a moment by moment call.  It is Jesus saying to you and me continually, in the home, the shop, the office, the market place, the school, everywhere and at all times, "If you want to continue, 'to come after Me,..deny [your]self, and take up [your] cross, and follow Me,'" as Luke adds, "daily." This is not only the only safe "journey;" it's the only peace journey.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I pray You, Holy Spirit, to keep these, Your Words, before me, in me, and written in my mind and heart.  Amen. 

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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