

Thursday, July 31, 2014

It's Really Quite Simple-- Believe Jesus Or Believe The Media

"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land." (Joel 3:2, NIV)

If you want to understand what is going on in Gaza, do not believe MSNBC, CNN, or Fox.  Believe, " The Word of God."  Read Joel 3 and you will gain an accurate "picture" of current events.  Read anything else, and you will just further understand humanism.  Remember Auschwitz?  The Jews are fighting for their lives.
  No matter what we read or hear in the world media, God's Word prevails.  Now you know that, don't you?!?  Of course war is horrible.  But it is, my friend, the result of man's sin, man's rebellion against, "The Word of God," Jesus, the Christ, and His Law/Word.  Rejection of Jesus will continue to bring more global chaos.  By the way, I find it most interesting that a major CNN reporter has been staying in and reporting from Jerusalem for many days.  Jesus keeps bringing the attention of the world as well as the attention of world leaders to, "The City of the Great King." (!)

My prayer that God embarrass the Obamas, the Kerrys, the Clintons, Sharptons, Blitzers of this world is being answered.  Kerry's anti Israel (which is just another way of saying, anti-Christ) proposals to stop the war in Gaza was totally rejected.  The demogague came home with "his tail between his legs."  I continue to prayer for the embarrassment of all those who oppose Jesus Christ and His Words.  Why do I pray such things?  I pray that if there is an ounce of repentance anywhere in the United States of America, and in any nation of the world, those who have been fighting God will surrender to Him and His Christ.  Extreme embarrassment, confusion, or coming to the end of oneself many times brings people to Jesus.  I pray it be so.

If our text is more than my quarterly trek through the Bible, if our text is more than some preacher's text, some Sunday School discussion, if it is indeed the very, "Word of God," then you and I must ignore the world's media concerning, well actually, anything.  They are humanists.  They are opposed to Jesus Christ, His Church, His Kingdom, His Land.  No one can do what is described in our text and win.  No one can ignore it as just Jewish nationalism and win.  The only people who "win" are those who submit their lives to Jesus Christ and His Words.  If the Lord God is going to, "bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat," (which, by the way, is in Israel), and, "There I will put them on trial"..., then no nation, not the United States, not the members of the United Nations, no nation and no president nor prime minister, no matter how lofty his attitude of himself
, will be able to do anything, pass any resolution or law to stop it.

Life is a continual battle between Truth and what the Bible calls, "
the lie."  This has not changed since the first lie recorded in Genesis 3, nor will it change until the Second Appearing of Jesus Christ.   From the person who continually struggles with acceptance of the love of Jesus, the forgiveness of sin, past, present, and future, to people who are "mad at God" because He did not or does not do everything they think He should, and, yes, even to the those who are faithful Followers of Jesus, the battle still rages.  Who and what do you believe, everyone and everything else, or, "The Word of God," Who Is Jesus Christ?  This will be tested yet today.  This will be tested the rest of our lives until we "go to be with the Lord," or His Second Appearing.  "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with the truth," the truth which is not a what, but a Who, Jesus.

Father, in Jesus' Name, in the midst of this ever increasing attack upon the Truth, I continually pray for "Truth-seeking."  Amen.
* Sometimes, of the over 120 email addresses to which I send the devotionals, I wonder who is reading them.
* Fall Mission:  Washington, DC.  So far I have enough for one day.  I am targeting one week.
* Don't miss the daily News, Commentary at:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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