

Monday, June 2, 2014

Nothing Too "Big" Or "Small" For Our Lord Jesus

"Arise, O Lord, do not let man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your sight."  (Psalm 9:19)

I have said many times before that there is a prayer in the Bible for every situation.  Yesterday my sister needed their computer, which had been unresponsive for some days.  She laid hands on it and it came on normally.  Now someone may say, "I did that once and it worked.  Then I did it again and it didn't work."  So?

I usually spend the mornings in the Scriptures, prayer and preparing the devotional.  This morning I did the first two, but was interrupted with double billing problems concerning our last mission.  Now some may say, "Well, welcome to the real world."  I have been living in the real world for almost 71 years.  Even a monk in a cloister monastery has to deal with "life."  Now our text may not seem to apply to my situation today, but it does.  There was an unresponsive people with whom I was dealing, and I just went back to our text, " not let man prevail...."  It seems as though the problem is now resolved; we'll see.  People who have seen "great" things only to enter a "season" when they seemingly see nothing, many times give up.  Many years ago I had a "Martin Luther moment."  I was in a very difficult straight, and I just blurted out to the Enemy, "What do you want me to do, quit?"  The Lord Jesus immediately spoke to my heart, "That is exactly what he wants."  Quitting for you and me is no option.

Some ask why things like this happen.  I don't know; you don't know; and your favorite "ask-the-pastor" does not know either.  People who are "why" people are among the most frustrated people on the planet.  Job proved this for us all.  The life situations mentioned above may seem small in comparison to Job's as well as the strife among men and nations.  But you and I know that when "it" happens to us, it is "big," sometimes as "big" as any we may have heard of.

Our text, a Psalm of David, was set to the tune, "Death of the Son."  David was dealing with, "the wicked," and, "the nations," but David also dealt with family problems, personal loss and tragedy.  All the psalmists were people just like you and me.  No one, no matter how much "favor," how much "anointing," how much spirituality, is exempt from the issues of life which are common to all (See Ecclesiastes).  But you and I who are Followers of the Lord Jesus Christ have something, yea, rather, Some One most wonderful, most marvelous, most comforting and assuring.  He is the One to Whom David refers in verse 9, "The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble,"------------- no matter how small or great the, "times of trouble."

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You that, "nothing is too difficult for You," nor too small, nor too great for Your great love and compassion.  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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