

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How To Get A "Great Reward"

"Moreover by them (God's words) Your servant is warned (admonished), and in keeping them there is great reward (consequence)."  (Psalm 19:11)

Most people do not like, "warned," but we all like, "reward."  We can't have it both ways.  The Word of God tells us of the twofold blessing of His Words, "warned," and, "reward," and they go together All through the Bible one is not very far from the other.  Jesus' teaching is full of both, "warned," and, "reward."  Yet most "voices" of Christendom only tell of, "reward."  They are wise in the ways of the world, though not in the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven.  They know what sells among men. 

How many warnings have you and I had in our life time, from as early as we can remember to this very day?  How many of them did we receive/heed/obey, and how many did we ignore/disobey?  So many blame others for their lives which have not turned out the way they wanted.  They blame parents, siblings, communities, even their gender or ethnic origin.  What, "reward," is there in that?!?  Our text tells us of warnings of the Word of God and, "in keeping them," i.e., in obeying them,"there is great reward."  Now obedience to Jesus Christ and His Words may not bring a huge bank account, Cadillac, or other some such, "cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things [which anyway] entering in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful."  But obedience to Jesus does bring, "great reward," and reward that no human tongue can even begin to imagine or express, no matter how eloquent. 

It is only logical to assume that warnings unkept, unheeded, disobeyed will bring a, "consequence."  The Hebrew word for, "reward," can also mean, "consequence."  The word, "reward," connotes to us something good.  The word, "consequences," however, connotes to us something not so good.  The, "reward," or, "consequence," is determined by our obedience to The Word of God.  Yet so many are like Esau, who wept deeply, yet could not change anything in his life.  My friend, tears do not bring, "reward;" obedience brings, "reward." 

Now someone may ask, "I have ignored so many warnings of the Word of God.  What good would it be to start, "keeping them," now?  I don't know, but to such a person I would highly suggest, "Start!"  You and I cannot change our past.  But we can change our future.  "Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward."  It is never too late to get in on that, "great reward."

Father, in Jesus' Name, where I have not, help me to start.  Amen.
* I will be sending later a note about this Fall's Mission
* I consider all postings to our Blog to be of prophetic significance:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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