

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"A Beautiful Place"

"Would you indeed annul My judgment?  Would you condemn Me that you may be justified." (Job 40:8) 

The MSG says, "Do you presume to tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Are you calling me a sinner so you can be a saint?" 

All this, "I'm-mad-at-God" talk, all the, "Well-if-that-is-the-kinda-God-He-is," or the, "Why-did-He-allow-this-to-happen-to-me," all of it is a condemnation of God------------ so the accuser can just look better than God, i.e., in reality, His moral superior.  The song, "
If I Ruled the World," had some revealing lines about man's attitude with the way The Living Triune God runs the universe.  "If I ruled the world every heart would have a new song to sing and we'd sing of the joy every morning would bring....My world would be a beautiful place where we would weave such wonderful dreams, My world would wear a smile on its face...."  Okay, Tony, I get it.  Jesus does not do this, so you can do a better job.  Got it.  Don't think this too harsh, my friend.  There are a lot of hurting souls out there today who are writing their own version of this song----------- and some sit in Church meetings.

Forgive the sarcasm, but this is very similar to John Lennon's "Imagine"; you remember him.  He was the one who said in 1966, "We are more popular than Jesus."  A whole generation embraced this multi-god- worshipping, Far-Eastern-gurus-embracing whatever.  The generation which was arguably the most populous exploding generation in history was enraptured with The Beatles and groups like them.  The world is simply dominated by "If-I-Ruled-the-World" people.  Listen to what is coming from Washington, DC, for example.

I have had people who have been surprised I never got mad at God when our son died.  How could I get mad at Him Who Himself, "took [my] sins in His Own Body on the Tree"?  How could I get mad at Him Who came to me in my darkest hour and did what no one could do?  He gave me "a new song to sing," but not the one above.  It is a deep resonating song, deeper and more healing and liberating and worshipful and glorious "than any tongue or pen could tell."  There is truth in what an early Follower of Jesus once said, "The worst He could do to me is still better than I deserve."  This is not some religious flagellation.  This is true as I see it, but more importantly, it is Biblical Truth. 

So away with all temptation, "to tell God what [He] is doing [is] wrong
".  Jesus Christ is Truth, not Wrong.  Whatever you think of the world situation, the suffering, the wars, the starvation, etc., it is not His doing.  We made that decision in the Garden.  And every promise, every prophesy, every act coming from and residing in the Blessed Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, is He at work in the world to bring us back to Himself.  Then, when a repentant sinner admits his guilt and receives Jesus Christ as King and Savior and goes through the waters of Baptism, he/she may really sing, "my heart has 'a new song to sing and we[] sing of the joy every morning would bring.   

Father, in Jesus' Name, Your World is "a beautiful place."  Amen.
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When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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