

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"What's Your Story?"

"Now it happened, as I journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, suddenly a great light from heaven shone around meAnd I...heard a voice....?'" (From Acts 22:6 & 7)

Now really, think about this.  What if someone came up to you and said something like this?  Or what if you heard someone in a meeting, or write such a story, "I saw, 'a great light from heaven....And I heard a voice....'"  I have not heard an audible voice of God speaking to me, nor have I ever seen, "a great light from heaven...."  But it can happen.  So much can happen to a person who is walking by trusting faith in Jesus Christ.  I had a great friend whom I met during my seminary days who would regularly see, yes, literally see Jesus from time to time.  Others have told me they have "heard His voice."  Okay.

When our oldes
t child died, I was in a very bad state.  One day I was not on my way anywhere as was Saul in our text; I was just sitting in an old dark maroon chair, starring into space, no words, not much thought, hurting very much.  What happened in that moment could not have been more real to me.  No, there was no, "suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me," as with Saul.  No, I did not hear, "a voice saying to me," as with Saul, and no, I did not have a "photostatic" vision.  But the "experience" was as clear as if all the aforementioned would have occurred.  Our Lord Jesus, standing in front of me with a look of deep feeling, compassion, and love, yet concern for "where" I was, said to me, "You can sit here the rest of your life and pity yourself; or you can get up and follow me."  In that very moment, Jesus' strength, power, was released in me.  The Lord Jesus Whom I "saw" standing before me was of course actually in me, yet for my hurting time/space struggle, He "appeared."
You have heard some of my "story" before.  A "story," however, a testimony which is yours and mine no one can dispute.  They may psychoanalyze it, rail on it and you, make fun of your story; but they cannot take it from you.  Do not let this day pass without a conscience decision to allow our Lord Jesus Christ to serve (minister to) you in your hurt.  Most of the time for me He does this through His "Breathed" Words (the Scriptures), sometimes in prayer, sometimes through other Followers of Him, His Church, and sometimes through life's daily encounters.  But never make the mistake of thinking He will not be as He once said, "Yet I am among you as One Who serves."  Jesus did this at His last Passover Meal with some of His Followers-------- He took a towel and washed their feet.  This is Who Jesus Is, "I Am among you as One Who serves."
    Jesus, Name above all names,
    Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord,
    Emanuel, God is with us,
    Blessed Redeemer, Living Word."

Father, in Jesus' Name, You are Ever Faithful.  Thank You.
If you would like to participate in the 24/7 prayer watch, March 26-April 6, please let us know.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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