

Monday, January 28, 2013

"....We Sat and Wept When We Remembered...."

"By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion."  (Psalm 137:1, NIV)

I got waylaid today reading a list of missing children; they were all from the New York City area and some of the abductions date back to the late 60's--- heartbreaking.  Some of the parents have not heard from and know nothing about their children who were taken from them, no "closure" (not sure always what that means), just endless heartache, endless wondering, remembering happier times. 

Our text said the Jews, "....sat and wept when [they] remembered...."  Remembering can do that.  They remembered happier times.  They also remembered the many promises of God; now------- no answers, no "closure," nothing, it seemed, was "working." 

"Where" are you sitting and weeping?  What situation in your life is unsettled, unanswered, uncertain.  What causes you to sit and weep when you remember?  Even though there were many great promises from The Word of God about Israel's destiny, the Jews knew that in the process of fulfillment many died, e.g., the people born in the second century of the Egyptian slavery; they never saw the exodus.  All the promises seemed to always be "out there," just beyond their reach, source of hope and frustration at the same time. 

There is a very real sense that all of life is like this, like missing children, unresolved, no answers, no comfort, just endless, over and over, "when we remembered...."  I would love to have an answer for this, but I am not like those religious "answer" people who always seem to have some "comforting" answer.

I received a note today from someone who recently experienced a tragic loss.  "Hopefully now we can have some closure to the sadness.  One day at a time, we'll get there, God willing."  I responded with, "Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man.  'I am willing,' He said." (Matthew 8:3a)  The "God is able" is not the problem.  That God will, is.  I want for you and me today that we hear the comforting, powerful, life-sustaining Words of Jesus, The Good Shepherd, as J. B. Phillips states the text, "Of course I want to."

Father, In Jesus' Name, I think I have "faith."  But I need the faith which hears you say to me, "Of course I want to."  Amen.
Progress on the 2013 Missions upon request

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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