

Monday, November 19, 2012

"The Immensely Valuable Living Stone"

"....You come to Him, as living stones to the immensely valuable living stone, be built up into a spiritual House of God, in which you, like holy priests, can offer those spiritual sacrifices which are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:4b-5, J. B. Phillips)

My daily reading of the latter part of the New Testament-- Peter, a businessman who surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.  Through the centuries, he became "St. Peter," even had the largest church building ever built name after him.  But he did not start this way; he was Peter the fisherman, boat owner and entrepreneur, and this is a part of Peter's testimony as well as teaching of the Holy Spirit through and in Peter.

Peter says that he found in Jesus, "....the immensely valuable living stone...."  The Bible describes Jesus as our Rock, our high tower, fortress.  Speaking of the Jews in the wilderness, Paul writes, "....[they] all drank the same spiritual drinkFor they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ," the Ever-Present One, feeding, sustaining, protecting, "the immensely valuable living Stone."  Peter also says that the Church (which includes you and me) is being, "built into a spiritual House of God," and that we are, "like holy priests," called to, "offer...spiritual sacrifices which are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ," and I am very sure that Peter would add, "those spiritual sacrifices," are only acceptable to God, "by," i.e., "through, on account of, because of," Jesus Christ.  I love this testimony of a man who was very, very close to Jesus.

Okay, I know the Holy Spirit is in charge of the Biblical writings.  But is it not great to know that God speaks to us so intimately through men and women who were just as you and I?  We can walk in the same insight, the same intimacy as they, because now in the Holy Spirit the Blessed Trinity resides, works, and reaches others yet to know Him in and through us.  Peter's testimony is now my testimony, your testimony.  And I think we can say that Jesus is still building you and me, His Church.  People yet to come to Jesus Christ are yet to be a part of the, "spiritual House of God."  And maybe, just maybe He sees them already "there" as those
, "living stones."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I thank You that You seem to be still building Your Church, adding to Your, "spiritual House," Your, "church daily those who [are] being saved."  Amen.

Please be praying fo
r the North Korea mission and for those Koreans who are suffering, yet, "living stones."

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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