

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"So I Shall Have An Answer"

"Let your mercies come also to me, O Lord-- Your salvation according to Your word.  So shall I have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Your word."  (Psalm 119:41, 42)

"Mercies," and, "salvation," come to you and me in God's Word.  Notice, furthermore, wherein lies the psalmist's confidence, "for I trust in Your word."  The psalmist does not trust his intellect, his opinions, his ability to out-smart another in, "reproaches," or argument or attack.  He goes to and relies upon Him Who called the universe into being, "The Word of God."  This is key to understanding, appreciating, and delighting in Psalm 119.  All expressions of the words "commandments," "testimonies," "statutes," "law," "precepts," etc., are incarnate in Jesus, as the Christmas Carol describes Him, "Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing." 

When I was in graduate school, a professor once remarked to me that he noticed while one of my friends "tends to respond philosophically; you refer to Scripture."  Our text seems to "vindicate" my approach.  Now not all interaction in seminary was, "reproaches me," but there was enough at times to make me wish I had gone to Asbury.  But at least my views, theology, opinions were recognized to be in, "The words of God," whether others agreed with what I had to say or not.

I would encourage you today to resist argument; some do, but some don't.  Yet if there is to be an answer to the reproach of those around us, it is as Luther said of righteousness.  "[Our righteousness] is an alien righteousness, that is, the righteousness of another instilled from without."  Of course, this is the Righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to us.  But as to, "an answer for him who reproaches," you or  me, our, "answer," is also "an alien [answer], that is, the [answer] of another instilled from without," i.e., "Your word."  Thank our Lord Jesus Christ, too, that while His words originate from "from without," they can be written in our hearts and in our minds.

I am not talking "Bible thumping," or "Bible beating," or some pharisaical quoting of the Bible.  It is His Word in my heart and mind imparting life, "to those who find It/Him."

Father, in Jesus' Name, whenever I am tempted to rely on my mind, let Your Mind prevail.  Amen.
* You won't believe who has been invited to the Democrat Convention:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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