Our text indicates that, "the man of lawlessness,..the man doomed to destruction," will not be a religious man. "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped." Some believe that the antichrist will come from the Arab Islamic world--- how very original! Nothing could be more obvious to the natural mind, but of course that is not how we are to, judge, "all things." The Antichrist will finally declare, "himself to be God." No Muslim would ever dare do this.
I believe the appearing of the Antichrist is coming from the Germanic People Group. The same group which has given us Luther, Auguste Franke, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, Einstein, also gave us Nietzsche, Marx, and Hitler. This is in no wise a disparagement of the German People. If I can use an overworked phrase; this is what the Lord has shown me. There has never been a more clever, intelligent, calculating, and historically secular people than the German. But possible "reasons" do not revelation make. I could say more, but perhaps another scenario would be better.
The aforementioned is part of the reason we go to Berlin regularly. I have had confirmations over the years that we are on the right track. The last I heard, Germany has more 24/7 prayer scenarios that any other country in Europe. It is the birthplace of "The Lord's Watch," the 120 year 24/7 prayer "movement" at Herrnhut, Germany, near the Polish/Czech Republic borders. Herrnhut is also the birth of the modern Protestant Missions movement. This nation will go through something which perhaps no other nation on earth will experience. This nation of contradictions will go through great trouble, but many will be save, "yet so as by fire." So I ask, "Brethren, pray for us."
Father, in Jesus' Name, I do not ask for clarity to express clearly my views, only Your "views." Amen.
Prophetic Video: www.antipasprayerforce2.blogspot.com
"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2