

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Some One Said-"I Cannot Read All You Send"- My Response-Times Demand it "All"

"Grace and peace to you from...Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth." (From Revelation 1:4, 6)
I have not received any indication that anyone received the video of the Israeli school children fleeing the rocket attack.  I usually receive at least one comment.  While this may not be your world yet, it is the real world. 
The article below demonstrates that the war between Arabs and Jews has not abated one bit--------------- nor will it ever, until Jesus returns.  "The Final Solution" attempted by the German in the 1930's and 40's is still very much alive in the earth.  This is war, and I have chosen sides.  It is the reality of our times and has always been the reality of man's sojourn on this terrestrial ball. 
The Church is commanded to "make disciples of all nations."  This means bringing the nations to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and involves teaching the nations (people groups), as Frances Schaeffer once wrote, How Should We Then Live?  Discipling the nations involves dealing with the growing Arab led Islamic threat to Europe, the United States of America, and the entire globe.  I know that most have not and do not view discipleship or missions this way.  I propose a new "Reformation." 
The "Islam on Capitol Hill" web site states at the end, "Our Time Has Come."  I wonder if the religious people who call themselves "Christians" believe this.  There is absolutely no doubt in me that the demonic forces of Islam are attempting to reeducate and take over America.  Look what they are doing in Europe!  While many Christians with their heads in the sand maintain certain "evangelical" theologies, Islam is once again doing what it did in the Middle Ages throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and much of Europe.  They are taking over.  Charismatics in particular have demonstrated a lot of bluster in recent decades, but bluster does not win the battle for the hearts and minds of men, and is useless in the "struggle...against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  
Jesus is "the ruler of the kings of the earth," and, as Luther said, "He shall win the battle."  Of this there is no doubt.  But how many more casualties will Christendom have to experience due to "nice guy" theology before King Jesus returns?  I pray for you and your family, "the Lord grant unto [you] that [you] find mercy of the Lord in that day."
Father, in Jesus' Name, I have really little concept of the battle raging all around.  Open my heart to see what You have for me to see.  Amen.  
IDF Foils Terrorist Attack in Gush Etzion
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Terrorists Foiled in Gush Etzion

The IDF early Thursday morning caught three Arab terrorists, one of whom was carrying an eight-inch knife, approaching Meitzad in eastern Gush Etzion, located southeast of Jerusalem.

No one was injured, and the security personnel are interrogating the terrorists, who admitted they intended to carry out a stabbing attack in Meitzad.

The attempted attack came less than 24 hours after Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered the removal of 100 security checkpoints and dirt roadblocks in Judea and Samaria.

The action was taken while U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell is in Israel for separate talks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority leaders Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad. Previous removals of security measures also have coincided with visits by American officials.

The U.S. government has pressured Israel to ease its security measures to accommodate Arab motorists in the PA, which is obligated to halt all terror and incitement against Israel.

However, widespread stoning and firebombing attacks on Jewish motorists continued Wednesday night. One fire bomb was hurled at a bus near Beit Omar, south of Hevron on Highway 60, the only direct highway connecting the area with Gush Etzion and Jerusalem. No one was injured in the attack, and no damage was reported.

"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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