

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seems "Good,..Pleasant,..And...Desirable?-- Maybe Not

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took...."  (Genesis 3:6)
Our text yesterday referred to "the pretty garden path to destruction." How "pretty" sin appears.  If it did not, who would ever be so tempted to give into it?  "The woman" liked what she saw------ so did the man.  They took the deception "pretty" and lost the reality "Pretty."  How deceiving can be "pleasant to the eyes" and "desirable" things.  Notice in our text that the goodness of "the tree" was not in the tasting.  It was just in the seeing. 
I would suggest today that you beware of "the pretty garden," the "pretty" anything and anyone.  You will remember the saying, "All that glitters is not gold."  This does not mean we should be suspicious, but it does mean that we should not be naive.  There is a modern chorus which says, "You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me."  Jesus is indeed.  And since He is, and if we walk in the reality, we will never succumb to "the pretty garden," the one which is the "path to destruction."  Jesus Himself, the "God-Breathed" Word, is "The Tree of Life," the one from which the man and the woman should have fed, and the One from Whom you and I may continually feed. 
You and I have the same continual choice today as did Adam and Eve.  From what and whom shall we eat?--- political promises, Hollywood beauty, smooth talking, facade wisdom pundits, or, "I am the living bread which came down from Heaven?"  To the religious mind, the choice sounds simple enough---------- at least in church services and the reading of a daily devotional.  Just be careful, though.  Out "there" the choice is not always that obvious.
Father, in Jesus' Name, keep me from assuming too much from my "spirituality."  Amen.
Must-Reads @:   
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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