

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I May Get In Trouble

"Children oppress my people, and women rule over them.  O my people, can't you see what fools your rulers are?  They are leading you down a pretty garden path to destruction. (Isaiah 3:12--NLT)
To most, it's "cute" to have a black president and a minority woman on the Supreme Court.  In the hearts and minds of most Americans, Biblical principles don't rule.  Cuteness rules.
Obama just made a completely political decision regarding a Supreme Court appointee.  It was not based on legal expertise.  It was base on cuteness, political correctness, loyalties to another cause.  This is just another chapter in the ongoing saga of changing the America this generation was handed into the America of further rebellion towards Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, an America not based on the tradition of Magna Charter, the American Constitution, and the Scriptures, but an America which just keeps caving in to antichrist forces.  The political science and life style of the present American Administration is a living example of our text. 
"They are leading you down a pretty garden path to destruction."
I cannot help that I am a white, European male.  And while my white maleness does not make me any better or worse than the rest of humanity, it must never, never intimidate me in speaking truth, governing my beliefs, proclamation, or life style.  Truth is truth.  The Word of God is the Word of God.  Race, gender, ethnicity, and human emotion must never govern the Believer in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ and the Breath of His Word governs.  Your life and the life of your family, the life of your nation depend on people who will live by this principle.  Alert!  The choices which America and most nations of the world are now making are taking them further down the final "pretty garden path to destruction."  
The Bible is not ethnic, gender-based, or prejudiced.  How could it be?  It is the Very Breath of God.  Whoever goes the way of political correctness, racial, and gender loyalty will never find the reward which Jesus said awaits the Obedient Ones to Him.  Go "the way" of Jesus Christ and His Words and you go "the way" of the "Truth and the Life"--------- the "way, the truth and the life" which takes you and me "to...Father."
Father, in Jesus' Name, please help me, grant me Your strength and integrity to live in obedience to You and no one or nothing else, and may Your Church arise in these perilous times to stand as Your "Representative" on earth.  Amen.
News, Commentary: 
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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