

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Trinity's "Tear Bottle"

"You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle.  You have recorded each one in your book." (Ps. 56:8--NLT)
The word, "sorrows," in our text is translated, "wanderings," in most other translations.  It means "fleeing, disappearing."  This is a description of mankind-------- sorrows, wanderings, fleeing, disappearing.  There are people out there who seem so "together," so self assured, confident, never hassled, but they just seem that way.  Most of it is just an act, just a cover up of the deep hurts of life.
Perhaps I caught you at a teary moment.  The "tear bottle" of the Lord God must be immense---- so much suffering, heartache, fear, and despair in the world.  Satan attempts to use these maladies to destroy you and me.  But the "God-Breathed" Word declares that God did more than just "keep track of all my sorrows" and "wanderings," and "collected all my tears" and "recorded each one."   He did something to ensure our victory.  "And Having disarmed the power and authorities, [Jesus] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."  What is out to destroy you and me has been destroyed in Jesus Christ.
I do not tire of encouraging people to pray the Psalms, indeed, pray all the God-Breathing Word.  These writers were just like you and me.  Yes, the "times" were different, but they were not.  Contemporary man has the same fears, sorrows, wanderings, "fleeings," and "disappearings" as ancient man.  But just as ancient man, we have Our Father, Our Elder Brother, Jesus, and Comforter, Our Holy Spirit.  Ancient man, Enoch, "walked with God," and ancient man, Abraham, "rejoiced to see [Jesus'] day," and ancient man, David, had his "tears in Your bottle."  The same, "walked," and, "rejoiced," and, "bottle,"----------------------- and Cross are for you and me today.  Now, how about some "triumphing?!"  
Father, in Jesus' Name, though I may not understand the "bottle of tears," I thank You for it, because I know that bottle is not on a shelf, but in Your Heart.  Amen.  
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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