

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Gospel of "Observe...Say...And Do"

"The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.  Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do." (Mt. 23:2,3) 

Matthew 23 is a heart broken (see v. 37) confrontation of our Lord Jesus on religious leaders which command so much, but do so little.  Beware the teacher or preacher who expects everything from you, but expects nothing from himself.

This morning I was perusing "leftist" news sites from around the world.  Just as in the United States, especially those of MSNBC, who have degenerated into mocking rather than reporting, the press around the world "controls" and manipulates truth.  This is what had happened to much of Judaism by the First Century.  Yet every tradition through the centuries has battled the same temptation, right up to this present moment.  Many have "updated" texts, tweaked Ancient Biblical truth in the attempt to be more "relevant" to modern times, but it is all a smokescreen so they can continue------- "
say, and do not do." 

Jesus is telling us in our text that the subtlety of deception is not in the teaching.  It is in the
doing.  I have known many people over the years who forsook Jesus and "The Way" because of such hypocrisy in a spiritual leader, congregation, or "movement."  Yet I can say that if anyone forsakes Jesus Christ for anyone or any reason, it is obvious what or whom they were worshipping and following.  "Looking unto Jesus" is the victory which overcomes this "say, and do not" hypocrisy.  When my "eyes" and life are fixed on Jesus, they are not fixed on me, on anyone, or anything else.  Humbled by Jesus' Beauty, humbled to be a part of Jesus, His Church, His Kingdom, I cannot live any other way but "whatever------------------------------------- observe and do."

Father, in Jesus' Name, Holy Spirit bring great conviction if I ever "
say, and do not do."  Amen.
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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