

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"When Will They Ever Learn?"

"In the beginning God...."  (Genesis 1:1a)

Sarah and I were on the street where the Arab murderer went on a rampage yesterday.  I guess I can understand why he did it.  Perhaps if we were at war here in America, I would do the same thing.  So that is it.  The Jews and Arabs are at war.  Novel?  Hardly.  It is a millennia struggle.  I say to the world and especially politicians, "Accept it.  It will not change until Jesus returns.  Of course, talk, negotiate, etc., but
you will not stop this."

This is the problem with humanists.  They keep believing that man is basically good, and if we just do something, the right thing, everything will be all right. 
We have been waiting for over 4000 years for this
theory to prove correct
.  Why is humanity so bent on keeping the same failed policy on itself?  The answer is relatively simple.  They are still trying to fulfill the lie of Satan in the Garden.  "You will be as God."  Trouble is, we never will be, not in the sense that fallen man desires.

The new quarter has me in the early chapters of Genesis.  "
In the beginning God...."  And in the end------- God.  In eternity------- God.  I suggest to the humanist to remember this.  Everything starts and ends with the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, The Eternal One, dwelling solely in Jesus Christ.  So, dear Believer in Jesus, do not despair.  He started this----------- and He will finish this.  "For in [Jesus] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority...."-------------------------------------- and Humanism. 

Father, in Jesus' Name, help me to be a living witness to the Truth, Your Truth, the Only Truth, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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