

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Define Your Theme and Stick to It

"You crazy Galatians!  Did someone put a hex on you?  Have you taken leave of your senses?  Something crazy has happened, for it's obvious that you no longer have the crucified Jesus in clear focus in your lives.  His sacrifice on the cross was certainly set before you clearly enough." (Galatians 3:1-- The Message)

I used to play in a jazz band, and must confess I still like jazz.  I know Christians are not supposed to, but, well, there it is.  I like what they call "cool" jazz, a jazz which takes a theme of a song and does not stray too far from it, not the screaming, saxophone-and-trumpet-all-over-the-place stuff.

This is what has happened to the modern church.  It was handed a great theme, "
the crucified Jesus in clear focus," then took off with something which Timothy, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hus, and Wesley would not recognize.  Gutter jazz, my maternal grandfather used to call it.  Gutter "church" is what I call it, a "church" which "someone put a hex on." 

Earlier this morning I saw a commercial for Bibles which said, "Check out our Bible selection for men, women, teens, kids, students and couples."  This is what the modern church is attempting----- a Bible for everyone, a church for everyone.  The Holy Spirit is still asking the same question of the modern Church as He did the Galatians in 3:2ff, "
Let me put this question to you:  How did your new life begin?  Was it by working your heads off to please God?  Or was it by responding to God's Message to you?  Are you going to continue this craziness?"  Paul was speaking about the Galatians' reliance on law for their salvation.  Today, perhaps, it is gimmickry, making the Gospel "relevant," whatever that means.  Don't succumb to the attempts to improve on The Theme.  Stay to it.  "Play" it for the whole world to see/hear.  "This Christian life is a great mystery, far exceeding our understanding, but some things are clear enough:
     He appeared in a human body,
          was proved right by the invisible Spirit,
               was seen by angels.
     He was proclaimed among all kinds of peoples,
          believed in all over the world,
               taken up into heavenly glory
." (1 Timothy 3--The Message)

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You for "so great a salvation."  Never let me try to "improve" on it.  Amen.

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