

Friday, April 18, 2008

The "Me" Behind the Words

"....Job spoke again: 'I have heard all of this before.'"  (Job 16:1--NLT)
Have you ever noticed that a lot of what Job's friends said seems like good "stuff?"  Yet we find God later saying to Eliphaz, "My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has."  Apparently with the Blessed Trinity there is something much more to "all of this" than words. 
There can be a "good" sense and a "bad" sense in our text.  If, "all of this," is the Word of God, then it is good.  But there are usually two problems with "all of this."  First, many "comforters" usually do not stop with the Word.  They go on to add culturally induced cliches, pop phrases which are more intended to impress than to heal.  Secondly, they use the Scriptures in an impersonal manner and motive.  They would rather be heard than comfort.
History is full of people who used the Scriptures and their personal philosophy for their own advantage.  What a difference a day would make if we all used the "God-Breathed" Word for the advantage of the other person.
Father, in Jesus' Name, help me to deal with the "me" behind the words.  Amen.

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