

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Whose Will Prevails, Father's or Mine?

"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." (John 6:35)

The sixth chapter of John reveals one of the great, "I Am," claims of Jesus.  "
I am the bread of life." But this, "I am," claim as well as all the others are not isolated from His relationship in our Father.  Everywhere Jesus went, "the will of Him Who sent Me," emanated from Him.

Everywhere you and I go today, "
The will of Him who sent" Jesus should emanate from us, that is, unless we are going out to do our own will.  This should be a daily "reality check" for us.  Do I go out in my own will, my own purposes, seeking my own pleasure, identity, and goals, or do I go out under, guided, shaped, and motivated by "the will of Him Who sent me?"

There is nothing but frustration for the person whose life is his own.  There is nothing but blessing for the person whose life is Jesus Christ's.

Father, in Jesus' Name, Blessed Holy Spirit, constantly remind me that my life is not about me, but "
the will of Him who sent me."  Amen.
News and Commentary:
Please continue to pray for my brother, Sheldon, in Israel.

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