

Friday, January 24, 2020

Life After Conferences And Seminars

"Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone who names the Name of the Christ depart from iniquity.'"  (2 Timothy 2:19a)

This is "foundational" from the beginning, in every era, every nation, "The Lord knows those who are His...." 

The thought occurred to me this morning that I spend far too little time in "listening" prayer.
Later, in a "listening mode," I believe the Lord Jesus spoke to my heart about His Church, what the Followers have done in and with the Church over the centuries, what it is today. 

The thoughts took me back to my first parish, which consisted of 4 congregations, one 78 members, one about 40, another about 28, and the smallest about 19 members.  The smallest one was in such a remote area that you could not see any houses from the building's location (I got my first deer about 70 yards from the front door).  When I became their pastor, the monthly schedule for the parish was that the largest congregation had service every Sunday, one Sunday in the morning, the next Sunday in the evening.  The other three had services only every other Sunday.  They had no prayer/Bible study meetings; at least the two smaller ones didn't even have Sunday School.  As far as I know, none of the Churches had ever had any conferences, seminars, etc.  Yet, in each congregation there were people who loved Jesus, followed Jesus, lived in Jesus Christ.

Fast forward to today: The reality is that the so-called "mega churches" have set the "standard" for far too many people.  From the make up of Sunday morning services, "ministries" for every age group, gender, to even seminars based on one's vocational status, I have heard many of those in these types of churches basically saying to Followers of Jesus Christ throughout the centuries, "We do it right."  Really?  Do they really want to tell retired Pastor N. A. Pearce in the 78 member congregation that he didn't really know about worship, about prayer, about how to, "follow the Lamb wherever He goes?"  And what about Ike Tyger, a World War One Vet in the 19 member Fairview E.U.B Congregation, who had been gassed in the Battle of the Somme?  Are they going to say that his faith, his walk, his ''anything" in Jesus Christ was inferior to that of today's "prayer-movement-worship movement-equipping seminars" churches?!?

More Followers of Jesus Christ throughout the centuries, and throughout the world have been members of "Fairviews" than of "We-have-the-greatest-worship-and-preaching-and-offer-the-most-complete-ministries" churches of today.  It is a gross sin to judge them.  I smuggled Bibles into Czechoslovakia in 1981, and in that particular mission we took Bibles to a couple who distributed Bibles throughout their region.  When they knew I was a pastor, the man asked me to share something from Scripture.  It was obvious to me that he was so hungry for, "the Words of the Lord."  Because of his work, he was relatively isolated, no "formal" congregation, no "pastor," just a few Believers gathering together from time to time.  What does the current generation in the Church say to him and his wife?!?

Now I am not criticizing the modern church.  I am just calling all of us to remember, pray for, and be thankful for those Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ who do not have what we may think is indispensable to living "the Christian Life."  They are Members of the Same Body of Jesus Christ.  Remember:  "....The solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His....'"

Father, in Jesus' Name, "For all the saints who from their labors rest, who Thee by faith before the world confessed, Thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blest, Alleluia, Alleluia!"  Amen.
I found Isaac Tyger's obituary and am sending it separately.  Notice at the bottom who had his funeral service!  Click off to the side to avoid being sent to another view.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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