

Monday, November 4, 2019

Do What Is Best, "For Our Good Always"

"And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive, as today."  Deuteronomy 6:24)

I am embarrassed for what has become of the United States of America.  Hatred now rules in the most vocal of its citizens.

The only thing which my fellow Americans can do, that is, those who wish to see the United States fulfill the destiny which the Founders saw, is to resist with everything in them the hatred of the debauchery which has enveloped the press, the Democrat Party, and all of those who are "drinking their Kool-Aid.  In our system of government, that way is the ballot box.  If those who claim to be Followers of Jesus Christ would all vote according to the teaching of Jesus, aka, the Scriptures, The Church would be running the USA.  Think that sounds too radical, too unfair?  Well then, give the US to the humanists and just see what is "too radical," and too "unfair."

You cannot escape the judgement which humanity brings on itself when you read the Bible.  "Sinners against their own souls," is exactly what happens.  The Bible teaches us profusely that the Law of the Living Triune God is, "for our good always, that He might preserve us...."  Most Americans, however, do not believe this.  The Laws of God are restrictive, inhibitive by nature to them.  Life if better without all that, "Thou shalt not...," so the children of the rebellion say.  And, my friend, this is not just The United States of America.  It is a global disease, affecting all "aspects" of all cultures and people groups.

The world is constantly being filled with, "You are special; you can do anything, if you put your mind to it.  Your situation is not your doing or your fault; it was those crusaders, those imperialistic colonialists.  You are a victim of the cruelty of others; your family was 'dysfunctional.'  Claim all of that wealth which others have; you deserve it."  The Bible alone brings sobriety to all of this.  Yes, you may have been treated cruelly or never got "that chance" which so many others seem to have experienced, but there are thousands, even millions in the world who have the same "lot" in life. 

But I can also say that there are thousands just like you and me who have been through the same "valleys" and have decided to stop blaming others and trust Jesus Christ---- FOR REAL!  When a person begins to believe this and not just talk this, well, there is Jesus, "who is our peace."  There is, "joy unspeakable and full of glory."  There is, "Let not your heart be troubledYou believe ('trust in, rely upon') in...Me", and, "My Words which I speak to you."  And, "....though I walk through the valley of the shadow..., I will fear no evil------- for You are with me"!

Father, in Jesus' Name, even though it was "the hard way," I thank You that through great turmoil and suffering you taught me that You and Your Words, "are for our good always."  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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