

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Pittsburgh Declaration

(Some have asked me for a copy of this.  I'm sending it to all on my email list)

To the Jewish Community of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:

We know that the Jewish people throughout the centuries have borne the greatest discrimination, the worst persecution, and the most barbaric atrocities of any people group.  We are aware that much of this has been done by those who called themselves Christians, sometimes while calling upon the Name of Jesus.  While those of us standing here with you today deplore and condemn in the strongest terms and way those crimes perpetrated against the Jewish People throughout history, we nonetheless ask for your forgiveness for all of the crimes perpetrated against you which were perpetrated by those calling themselves Christian.  These atrocities in no way reflect Jesus, Who Himself a Jew, embraced the Law and the Prophets.  As His Followers, we too affirm them and embrace them, and in that affirming and embracing we say to you and to the world that we will stand with the Jewish people as long as we have breath.

The concentration camps in Europe stand as silent sentinels to the past barbarity of the human race, not just Christians.  Anti-Semitism knows no ethnic, creedal, or political bounds.  But we repeat the words engraved and openly displayed at the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial: "Never Again."  By that we mean we are yours.  You will never be attacked as a people while we who are Christians stand by and do nothing.

We covenant with you that while others have stood silent during your times of suffering, we, the Community of those who follow Jesus, will never be silent, never abandon you, and covenant to supply you quarter should any present or future
events make that necessary.  Our prayer, as part of the Christian Community in Pittsburgh, is that you will always remember this commitment we make to you this First Day of May, 2011.

(Composed by Woody Barnette, April, 2011)

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

Hebrews 12:2

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