

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Bible Is Not A Religious Reference Book

"The Lord will be king over the whole earthOn that day there will be one Lord, and His name the only name."  (Zechariah 14:9, NIV)

Yes, "Jesus is Lord," now; Jesus is King now, always has been, "Alpha," and always will be, "Omega."  But, "On that Day there will," manifest to the world and those who, "obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ," that God's Name will silence all other names.  The world, indeed, the Universe's arguments will be stopped.  Those who reject the Name of the Godhead, Jesus, will have to confess, whether voluntarily or not, that Jesus is, "the only Name." 

The best answer to those who say that the "Christian God" and the "Muslim god" are the same is, No He is not.  The Christian God is Jesus.  The Muslim god is, well, something to do with the moon.  Simple answer, though wildly, politically incorrect.  When people equate the One True God, Who is the Blessed Trinity and revealed as, "Immanuel, God with us," solely in the Person of Jesus Christ, with the false god, Allah, it reveals they do not know the Bible.  And when a person's only knowledge of what the Bible calls, "the faith of Jesus," is preachers and teachers, they are susceptible to all sorts of foolish teaching.   The closer we get to the close of the present age, the more such foolishness will rule in Christendom.  And, my friend, do not think that you or I cannot be found in such foolishness. 

It is not enough that you and I have read through the Bible once, or daily read favorite selected passages.  The Word of God is our, "lamp," and our, "light," not a religious reference book.  If we do not have a daily diet of Jesus' Words, the onslaught of deception will overtake us also.  As Paul warns the Gentile nations, "Be not highminded, but fear."  No one, no matter how "mature" they think they are, or how big the ministry, is exempt from deception.  The only guarantee we have is, abiding in Jesus, viz., "....abide in Me and My abide remain in you...." literally, Jesus' words, "remaining, staying," in us, and we, "waiting," in and, "awaiting," His Words.  This should be our awaking posture to each day, "awaiting," the Words of Jesus to and in us, daily, moment by moment.

No words of any person, no matter the eloquence or "wow-factor," can give life as Jesus', "God-Breathed," Words.  Give Him time to refresh you today.  I challenge you this day to give that one hour, which you give to something or someone else, to breathing in the, "God-Breathed," Words.  Along with the challenge I issue a warning:  The next year, not only in America, but around the world, will see events increasingly emerge which will bring increasing confusion.  And this confusion will not only overtake the "carnal" world system.  It will overtake the professing "born-againers" who think neglect of the Breath of God is no big deal.  I am convince, you are not of such.  You are as desperate as I.  "....If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect," is not just to some other, "very elect."  It is to you and me, to all who Name the Name.  He keeps coming back to me today, "Be not highminded, but fear."  The world system does not believe Zechariah 14:7.  Only those in whom Jesus Christ's Words rule believe/obey and walk in, "His Name [, Jesus,] the only Name."

Father, in Jesus' Name, no matter how "high" is my mind, it is not high enough for the battle.  Help me to walk in Your Mind.  Amen.
US security services have made David's Tent move to another location because of the Pope's visit.  Please pray that David's Tent can get back to where it is supposed to be--------- soon.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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