

Monday, January 19, 2015

I Know Where There is Comfort For You :)

"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations ('comfort') delight my soul."
(Psalm 94:19, NASB)

Well, it's that time of month when I read this text.  I have shared before that I read this in the NASB while I was at a gas station on an East German autobahn
in October of 1987 (the German's called it "Hitler's Autobahn", because it had not been renovated since the 1930s).  It was a cold, very cloudy and rainy day, not what most would call "inspiring."  Yet on that old road which brought back memories of arguably the most barbaric period in human history, surrounded by a totalitarian, communist state which did not allow you to get off that transit highway, here in the midst of darkness was Jesus, "Light of the world," revealing Himself anew in His "God-Breathed" Word.  I do not recall any, "anxious thoughts," at that moment, but I shall never forget how, in the midst of a day in my life, these Words of Jesus impacted me, yes, "delight[ed] my soul."  It was one of those moments with which our Lord Jesus will abundantly provide us, if we are "open." 

So, again today the Holy Spirit is reminding you and me that no matter what the, "anxious thoughts," no matter if, "doubt and fears assail," no matter the loneliness, the apprehension, "at those things coming on the earth," in general, or in your life particularly, to celebrate with the psalmist when he realized that in the midst of life's, "anxious thoughts," come, "Your consolations," the consolation of and in Jesus, right there, right now.  Man seeks the comfort he so desperately needs in so many counterfeit sources.  At best, they are very temporary, so fleeting, so illusory. 
You know what I am writing about today.  You and I have tried these illusions so many times you would think that by now we would discard them forever, never even entertain them again.  But alas, the Enemy keeps feeding his lies and deception in man's struggle. 

The Holy Spirit, by the psalmist said, "Be still and know that I am God."  One translation says, "Let go."  I encourage you today to, "Let go," of, "anxious thoughts," and "embrace" Jesus, aka, "Your consolations/comfort."  Let Him "hold" you, encourage you, strengthen you and believe Him to write in your heart and mind, "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations/comfort delight my soul."

Father, in J
esus' Name, You are my, "consolation/comfort."  Amen.
Halfway to our need for the March Mission

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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