

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"The Wicked...Prowl.., as Vileness Is Exalted...."

"The wicked walk or prowl about on every side, as vileness is exalted [and baseness is rated high] among the sons of men."  (Psalm 12:8, Amplified Bible)

Look at the world around us and you will see the fulfillment of our text.  Wickedness is prowling about in the earth because, "vileness is exalted [and baseness is rated high] among the sons of men."  This is why we have the political leadership we have.  This is why there is corruption in Christendom, "....Vileness is exalted....among the sons of men."  People tend to blame leaders, but it is "we the people" who elect them, attend their church meetings, buy their books, go to their movies.  I am sending an article which I designate as a "must read," that is, if you want to get insight into the last 50 years of American history.  America exalted vileness, continues to do so, and has been paying the terrible price.  I have rarely read an article which pinpoints the heart of evil's reign in America as the article I am sending to you.

The remedy for, "vileness is exalted...among the sons of men," is in verses 6 & 7 of Psalm 12, "The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times overYou will keep them and preserve them, O Lord; You will guard and keep us from this [evil] generation forever."  As Jesus is Purity in His Person, so too are His Words.  I do not care how "spiritual" or discerning a person may claim to be.  Without utter, fearful dependence upon Jesus and His Words, we all will eventually, if not already, participate in the, "....vileness...exalted...among the sons of men."

The article I send I pray you will read.  It will give you a clear picture of just how utterly deceived a whole generation was, and how current political and religious trends not only in America, but also throughout the world reflect the wholesale embracing of "The Lie."  As you read the article, examine yourself, as the Bible calls us all to do.  Immerse yourself continually in the Word of God, so that as this, "vileness," continues to consume whole people groups, you and I will escape those things which are surely coming upon the whole earth.

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You for Your pure Words.  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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