

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who Do You Want to Rule You, Friend or Enemy?

"The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, 'Rule in the midst of your enemies!'"  (Psalm 110:2, NIV)

Most relegate this to Jesus and the Millennium; how religiously convenient.  Just sit by in our nations, singing songs, preaching sermons, feeding the poor and homeless, conducting conferences------- waiting for the day when Jesus will appear for the second time and deal with our, "enemies."  I am going to set forth a proposition:  Today's text is a foreshadow of "The Great Commission."  Or, "Go into all the world," and, "rule in the midst of your enemies."  I suggest that this is more than just the "overcoming life."  It is a command to go and bring forth transformation, not only of individuals, but also nations (Matthew 25). 

My faith in Jesus is not just a "personal" faith, hence my devotionals are not just for you and me to read and feel good about during our "daily devotions."  Jesus appeared for the sin of the whole world.  Jesus appeared to take away that sin, and being delivered from sin, we are now debtors to all humanity, in every nation, every business location, every neighborhood.  "Both to Greeks and to barbarians (to the cultured and to the uncultured), both to the wise and the foolish, I have an obligation to discharge and a duty to perform and a debt to pay" (Romans 1:14, Amplified).  If my "born again experience" does not affect my life outside "religion," outside of church meetings, conferences, missions, etc., then I am not "born again."  Jesus did not save me to make me a religious person or a "spiritual" person with no involvement in the world around me. 

I can conclude nothing else when a people have an opportunity to control the kind of government they have, righteous or unrighteous, when the Church can, "rule in the midst of your enemies!" and neglects this great command.  Yes, American Follower of Jesus, we have the power, yes, power to, "rule in the midst of your enemies."  The statistics in the United States of America are embarrassing for American Christendom.  We can have Presidents, Congresses, a Supreme Court which demonstrate Biblical principles.  Yet millions upon millions of self proclaimed "born againers" have their daily devotions, go to their worship gatherings, even do missions and give to the poor, all the while on election day------------ stay at home and read their Bible.

"Rule in the midst of your enemies!" is not only the commission of Father to our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is the Word of God to the Church in the earth today.  Test the correctness of my paraphrase of Matthew 28:19, 20, "Go therefore and make disciples of ALL THE NATIONS,...teaching [ALL THE NATIONS] to observe all that I commanded you...."  Yes, bring them to Jesus Christ, to conversion, the new birth.  But conversion means a life and life style change.  It means that if Jesus Christ lives and rules in me, then I will also affirm and vote people into positions of authority who, if not, "born again," at least manifest Biblical principles.  (Sorry for being so long-penned.)

Father, in Jesus' Name, may I never breath without the awareness that You are in me, and I am in You, that You never leave me and I never leave You.  "Rule in the midst of [me]!"  Amen.
Fall Mission:  Washington, DC

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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