

Friday, September 7, 2012

Only "Common People" Hear Him "Gladly"

"The wicked wait for me to destroy me; I shall diligently consider Your testimonies.  I have seen a limit (literally, "end") to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad." (Ps. 119:95, 96)

Notice the contrast between, "Your testimonies,"/"Your commandment," and, "the wicked,"/"all perfection."  Yet when faced with attack and the, "end of all perfection," the psalmist's refuge is, "Your testimonies," and, "Your commandment."  The best defense and offense against, "to destroy me," is, "Your testimonies."  And when, "I have seen [an end] to all perfection," I find in, "Your commandment," unlimited resource. 

In the notice I received today about an "Unreached People Group," among the Tibetans, I read that "Buddhism is a strong, integral part of the self identity of most Tibetans."  Okay, so the whole quest for "self identity" or "completion" is apparently not just a Western phenomena.  The report also related that "the Paris Foreign Missionary Society evangelized the area in the 1880s.  In 1905 Tibetan lamas [in Southern Khampa] killed all the French missionaries and the head of Father Dubernard was hung on the monastery gate, and several Christian families were shot."  Our text must have deep significance to the tiny minority of Followers of Jesus in Southern Khampa, whom, "the wicked (still) wait for me to destroy me," and where, "I have seen a limit to all perfection."

People who say that they cannot identify with the Bible have a real "identity crises."  I used to think that about the Book of Psalms---------------------- until I got a little of life on me, a taste of reality that I was either too foggy or too untried to see.  Now The Psalms, indeed, the whole Bible, is my official Prayer Book.  Those who say that they cannot identify with the Bible, or that "it just doesn't speak to me," or "it's out of date," or, whatever, just will not accept the reality that, "The Word of God," is too real for them.  John's Gospel declares that The Incarnate Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, "knew (knows) what is in man."  This is one of the reasons, "the common people heard Him gladly."  They were desperate, knew of their need, and wanted God's help.  The self righteous, on the other hand, when our Lord "read their mail," were filled with rage that someone could look into the very depths of their hearts and see who they really were.  This was all rooted in God's love for them, but they could not see that; hence, they rejected Jesus. 

The Word of God is an "X-ray" into the heart and mind of man, an "X-ray" Who reveals and heals at the same time.  If you and I want "the Great Physician's" help, then we will come to, "The Words of God," which are, "life to those who find them, and health (remedy, healing, medicine) to all their flesh."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I am one of, "the common people," and I hear You, "gladly," because I need you desperately, "Your testimonies"/Your commandment."  Amen.
* Every Day You can Read of Unreached Peoples:
* In just a little over two weeks, "David's Tent" begins just outside the White House.  Please pray.
* Beginning next week, 9/12, Conference Call Prayer will be on Wednesdays

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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