

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Prayer For You, Me, Leaders

(From Der Spiegel)
Ponzi Planet: The Danger Debt Poses to the Western World

"For the king trusts, relies on, and is confident in the Lord, and through the mercy and steadfast love of the Most High he will never be moved....For they planned evil against You; they conceived a mischievous plot (devised wicked schemes, NIV) which they are not able to perform." (Psalm 21:7 & 11, Amplified Bible)

While the promises here are to, "the king (who) trusts," and the, "planned evil," is against the Lord God, Biblical Theology teaches us that all whose trust is Jesus Christ are the benefactors of the promises, "he will never be moved."  And, when our enemies plot and, "devise[] wicked schemes," against us, those plots and schemes are such, "which they are not able to perform." 

This is the reality in which we live.  The Bible teaches us from Genesis to Revelation that we are in a daily battle with those who plan evil against us and, "devise wicked schemes," to destroy us.  Some will say, "But this battle is, "not against flesh and blood."  Yes, but one thing is for sure; much of the scheming and plotting and devising is carried out through that flesh and blood who are willing participants in the Enemy's desire to destroy the People of God.  If people read, listen to, and watch current news, this truth will be evident.  Righteous people are the object of vicious attacks.

I pray today's text for Rick Santorum, a Republican candidate for President of the United States of America.  The attacks of the Enemy, Who has many, many willing participants in His evil purposes, will be endless.  I have met Rick and know him to be a Believer in Jesus Christ and His Words, the Bible, a man who greatly desires prayers on his behalf.  There is and will be a target on his back which is very large.  I pray for him as I pray for you and me today:
Father, in Jesus' Name, I believe that since Rick Santorum, and my friend and I trust in You, "through the unfailing love of the Most High," none of us will, "be moved/shaken, " that, even though the wicked, "devise wicked schemes against You," and against us, "The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him (us) from stumbling."  Amen.
For your consideration, an interesting historic perspective entitled, "The Genocide Doctrine:  
Unreached People Group:

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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