

Monday, September 5, 2011

Just Some "Labor Day" Thoughts

"And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him to Pilate." (Luke 23:1)

Over the years, I have watched special news reports and documentaries of a battle in the Arab-Islamic war on the United States of America, which, by the way, the Arabs won hands down.  The 10th anniversary of that fateful day is approaching. 

Just a couple of weeks ago I was on a bike ride and stopped by the Flight 93 Memorial, which is just about 23 miles from where I am sitting, and only 9 miles from where I spent 7 years of my childhood.  I have flown out of Washington Dulles and Newark, from which two of the ill-fated planes took off.  I had been on the Pan Am, "Clipper Maid of the Seas," plane which on December 21, 1988, was Pan Am Flight 103 out of Frankfurt; just one week before, I flew out of Vienna.  One time in Romania, I was looking across the street and talking with one of our pastor friends and without looking, began to step into the street when a speeding car went right in front of me by inches.  In June of 1991, I stepped backwards thinking the width of the hydraulic lift platform of the moving truck I was on was the same as the box of the truck and fell backwards directly onto a cement step, knocking myself unconscious.  An x-ray revealed that I had fractured my skull.  The doctor later told me that I was "very lucky; I have seen people die from lesser injuries."  I'm sure many have similar stories.  Now I am not a fatalist.  Some people believe their "day" is predetermined, which can be a philosophy that excuses negligent behavior; I'm not so sure about such philosophy.  I am sure, however, that the eternal destiny of every Follower of Jesus Christ is secure in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

What sealed that "destiny" was what I read of in today's Gospel reading, Luke 23.  The first verse is a part of the progression of Jesus' Passion.  He had shared a Passover Meal with His Disciples, had been before the religious leaders.  Now, "....the whole multitude of them arose, and led him to Pilate."  After Pilate, the Cross; after the Cross, the tomb; after the tomb, the Resurrection; after the Resurrection, the Ascension, and a few days after the Resurrection, Pentecost!  Now, "in His Cross," and, "in His Blood," we have forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body, and life eternal.  

There were Believers in Jesus Christ who died that September 11.  At our 50th reunion, one of my classmates who had heard of our oldest son's passing, said, "My only question was, 'WHY?'"  So very many people ask this question in the face of the unanswerable.  Over the centuries, how and at what age Believers left this life's journey have varied so very much.  The one constant in it all is that they all went to be, "with the Lord," Jesus Christ. 
"It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me."

Father, in Jesus' Name, I thank You that Your mercy and grace have always kept that "why" from entering my life.  Thank You for that same mercy and grace which brought me into Your Life.  Amen.

When Peter, an 18 year old Norwegian, "heard the call to evangelize China, on that day he not only emptied his wallet into the collection plate, but included a small note with the words, 'and my life.'"

"Looking unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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