

Friday, February 19, 2010

FW: Mankind's "Simple" Choice: "Wisdom of Man" Or "Power of God"


Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 12:09:53 -0500
Subject: Mankind's "Simple" Choice: "Wisdom of Man" Or "Power of God"

"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified..., that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:2, 5)

Note the contrast between "
the wisdom of men" and "the power of God."  This is the dividing line between "the joy of the Lord" Jesus Christ and depression, between "the fruit of the Spirit" and the fruit of Satan, victory and defeat.  Yet it is a battle which so many professed
followers of Jesus Christ are losing. 

My heart goes out particularly to university students.  Many make it through secular, humanistic, Christ-denying grammar school, only to lose the battle in college.  There, the "
wisdom of men" triumphs all too often.  And, quite frankly, I don't blame the home.  It does not mater
how spiritual was their home environment, their faithfulness to their local church, and deep their commitment to Jesus.  Unless a student, or any person on the planet for that matter, stays in a moment by moment relationship in Jesus Christ, subjected and submitted to the "
God-Breathed" Word, defeat is inevitable.  And for those who say, "Well, I'm not that fanatical, yet I am still a Christian," I say, Have you ever heard of a "fools paradise?"  Beware.

You may have read the testimony which I sent some days ago about the battle between the Koran and the Bible, the religion of Muhammad and "
the faith of Jesus."  If not, you need to.  You can access it on both Blog sites.  It demonstrates the powerful difference between "the wisdom of men" and "the power of God."  Now the Bible speaks much of wisdom; therefore, wisdom is not the issue.  It is whether or not it is, "the wisdom of God" or "the wisdom of men."  The "wisdom of God" is found only in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30)  "The wisdom of God" is manifest in "the power of God."  God's wisdom is not just intellectual or academic; God's wisdom has power to change things and people.

Here is a great passage for winning the battle between the "
wisdom of men" and the "power of God"------ "The weapons we fight with (notice that we are indeed in a "fight") are not the weapons of the world ("the wisdom of men").  On the contrary (get ready for "the power of God") they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension ("the wisdom of men")
that sets itself up
against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  Try it this way; the battle is between the words of men and "the Word of God."

Father, in Jesus' Name, Thank You so much for Divine Offense and Defense.  Amen.
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