

Monday, October 12, 2009

"God Is...Very Present"

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  (Psalm 46)

As I read our text this past Saturday morning, it was as though the Blessed Trinity shouted in my heart-------- "
VERY PRESENT."  Such a familiar passage, yet so much is taken for granted, so much presumed. 

Very:"  It is a translated Hebrew word, which, when used with other words, is "intensive, superlative."  It is a word of "vehemence," i.e., "marked by forceful energy, intensely emotional."  The Word of God is speaking to you and me today with great "forceful energy" and intense emotion, "God is...VERY PRESENT."  The word, "very," is translated elsewhere as, "diligently, exceedingly, fast, good, greatly, louder, mightily, so much, utterly.....It is from an unused word meaning to rake together, a poker for turning or gathering embers."

Present:"  It means, "to come forth, to appear, exist, to meet, be present."  Whenever an organization calls the roll of members, the response is usually, "present."  That is what the Living Triune God is saying to a begging-for-His-Presence" Church today-- "PRESENT."  I Am here; I never left; I Am, and I AM...VERY PRESENT."  He cannot be any more, "present," than, "VERY present."  He cannot be any more, "present," than, "intensely emotional, diligently, exceedingly, fast, good, greatly, louder, mightily, so much utterly"--------- "present." 

Such richness in the original languages, so much energy, so much stirring of dying embers in a Believer.  When the fire of hope, faith, and encouragement seem to be dying, the Holy Spirit, in the "
God-Breathed" Word, our Lord Jesus, says to you and me what He said to Timothy so long ago, "fan into flame the gift of God which is in you."  The Blessed Trinity is using a Divine "poker" right now, right there, to turn and stir those embers, which perhaps because of unanswered prayer, sickness, financial woes, family issues, are slowly dying.  But,
God...our refuge and strength is VERY PRESENT," God, revealed in Jesus, is, as the Psalm later declares, "The Commander of the armies of heaven."  This is Jesus Who promised, "I will never, no never, positively never leave you nor forsake you."  If there is any problem with "Presence" today, it is not in the Godhead; it is in the faith realm of the Church.  "God is...VERY PRESENT help in trouble," in the good times and the "bad," in the meetings and in your home, in the times of "prophetic intercession" and in the office.  Wherever you are, He Who Is, "I Am," is Also---------------------"VERY PRESENT."

Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You that You Are Whom You say You Are. Amen.
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"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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