

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Contrary to Popular Opinion, Life is "Just As He Said"

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." (Matthew 28:6- NIV)
Everything is, "just as He said."  His earthly walk in "The Land," His teachings, His works, rejection by "His own," His death, resurrection, ascension, and return, all have been and will be, "just as He said."  Jesus said, "and the Scripture cannot be broken," or, they cannot be, "set aside or cancelled, or broken, or annulled" (Amplified).  Jesus, is the very "Word of God," and nothing he has said or will say will ever be, just as He Himself, "set aside or cancelled, or broken, or annulled."  As I have just come back from Israel and we are now getting ready to leave for Berlin and Albania, I have looked back on my life and can heartily say, "All of my life has been,'just as He said.'" 
Life on this Planet is, "just as He said," always has been, always will be, "up to the day" of His return.  Then eternal life will rule, "as He said."  Let the naysayers scoff and ridicule.  After they are dead and gone, the universe will still declare, "See, it is 'just as He said.'" 
Psalm 37 says, "Do not fret....Trust....Delight....Commit....Rest in the LORD" Jesus Christ.  Why can we do this?  Because of the great promise of our text.  Jesus' resurrection occurred because He said it would.  And be assured; everything else He said will happen------------ "just as He said."
Father, in Jesus' Name, thank You for the confidence that life is "as He said."  Amen.
If you did not yet view the video of the Israeli and German Commanders at Gleis (track) 17 in Berlin, I encourage you to view it.  Also, I have posted some interesting facts about the Berlin Wall.  Both can be found at:
"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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