

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Seeker Friendly?" I Prefer The Friendly Seeker

"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10)

The Son of Man has come...."---- Glorious Christmas message.  And this message tells us the reason Jesus "has come."  Jesus "has come to seek and to save...."  Now there has been much emphasis that "Jesus saves," but little that Jesus seeks. 

Our text emphasizes that it is Jesus, not us, Who is the initiator in the seeking.  Most of humanity was/is not looking for Him.  They are only seeking help, a way out of the struggle.  The cry is not for His Person, but His solutions, just someone, something, anything which can make the pain go away.  But can't you remember the joy when you discovered that the answer, the solution to your life's quest was not an idea, a philosophy, not some complicated solution, but a Person, Jesus?  Jesus came to you and me, a part of confused, wondering humanity, as the Good Shepherd described in Luke 15, seeking lost, dumb sheep, straying aimlessly to their destruction?  Remember what joy when you realized that our Heavenly Father is the Father seeking and watching for the lost son who knew best, and in demanding and looking for that best found himself in a pigs' sty?  What joy when you realized that Father is our Seeking Father, seeking us, calling us from our misery and pain to Himself? 

This Christmas take great comfort in the promise, "
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart"----
because Jesus sought you and found you when He searched for you with all
His Heart!
               "Jesus sought me when a stranger,
               Wandering from the fold of God;
               He, to rescue me from danger,
               Interposed His precious blood;
               How His kindness
yet pursues me
               Mortal tongue can never tell,
               Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
               I cannot proclaim it well."    

Father, in Jesus' Name, I am so thankful that You have come "
to seek and to save" this wretched man.  Amen.  
I am preaching in the CCE meeting, December 13 & 14
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"Looking Unto Jesus"
Hebrews 12:2

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