

Friday, October 17, 2008

"I Don't Argue-- I Only Testify" (E. Stanley Jones)

"Son of man, I have made you a watchman....If I warn...but you fail to deliver the warning,..I will hold you responsible...." (Ezekiel 3:18-- NLT)

The way I have printed our text is a proper exegesis.  It emphasizes the universality of the watchman call.  Our text does not just apply to the "spiritual" things of life.  It applies to------------------life. 

Recently I received this information from Brother Andrew which is, what I believe, a warning to America.  "Uzbekistan: A one-hour program was recently aired on national television portraying Christianity as a danger to society and a global problem, along with fundamentalism, terrorism, and drug addiction."  This spirit is not only in Uzbekistan, it is in the United States of America.  What happened in Eastern Europe, China, Cuba and other places in the latter half of the twentieth century, most Americans think could never happen here.  But under an Obama administration, it is not just a possibility; it is a probability.  That which is perceived to be "right-wing, religious conspiracy" will be targeted more and more.  I have been issuing such warnings for a long time.  If the Church in America does not vote to keep those who hate the America they were handed, those dominated by the deception of the "powers of darkness" out of the Executive Branch of the government, out of control of the US Congress, they will then see the Judicial Branch dominated by those who reject the Law of God revealed in Jesus Christ, advance the murder of the unborn, advance same gender marriages, cripple the small business person, endorse Congress to take more of your money to fund such wickedness, and target "bigoted" Christians.  And, in the words of our text, "
I will hold you responsible." 

On the morning of December 7, 1941, a report came into an army office at Pearl Harbor that a large number of planes appeared on radar.  It was not an argument.  It was reported fact.  The response of one of the officers was, "Yea?  Well, don't worry about it."  History is not an opinion.  It is fact.  E. Stanley Jones once articulated a great life principle.  "I don't argue.  I only testify."  This is what a soul winner does.  This is what a prophet and a watchman does.  He does not argue.  He just "testifies" to what he sees on the "radar."  Today, I encourage you to not argue Jesus Christ. 
Testify to Jesus Christ.  Do not argue the Kingdom.  Testify to the Kingdom.  The Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Father, in Jesus' Name, deliver Your Church from arguers and let the testifiers arise.  Amen.
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